Expand God's Kingdom with Scott Rankin

Avoid the NIV (New International Version) Bible Translation



Missing Verses and Misleading or Bad Translations:

Since 1978 when the NIV was released, it is true that this version seems easier to read for some people and has become a popular version of the Bible. However there have been many verses omitted from God's word in the NIV, along with many changes that are either misleading or outright opposed to God’s foundational message.

The following is a compiled list of all of the Bible verses missing from the New International Version. It is important to note these were not accidentally left out, but removed for a purpose. Once you see and read what was purposefully omitted, it may cause sadness, anger, frustration and hopefully a resolve to not only avoid the NIV translation but to share with others the truth of why it is important to find and read, and study a Bible that will reveal 100% of gods truths. 

We are commanded in Ephesians 5:1 to imitate God.  If you do not know all of God's nature, Jesus’ deity...

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